Tuesday 31 December 2013

KCPE 2013 RESULTS IN REVIEW....Kenyan daily digest

Kimutai Brian (Nandi) and Otieno Akoth (Kisumu) top 2013 KCPE exams with 444 marks followed by Junita Riziki (Meru) 442.
- All 2013 candidates with mark of 200 and above will be admitted to Form One.
Transition rate from primary to secondary in 2014 to be higher than 76.5pc or 650,000
- Kaimenyi to launch Form One selection on January 14.
- Those involved in exam irregularities will be barred from sitting KNEC exams for not less than three years.
- No cases of exam irregularities in 19 counties.
- Cases of exam irregularities in 2013 KCPE were 1,576.
- Ministry to seek audience with Chief Justice for cases of exam cheating to be expedited in court.
- There was an increase in the number of students involved in exam irregularities
- Candidates with 251 marks and above in 2013 KCPE were 417,483 representing 49.71pc of total candidates who took the exams
- In 2012, candidates with 251 marks and above was 416,900 representing 51.3 pc of candidates
- Kenya continues to foster good neighbourliness and KNEC has over the years continued to offer KCPE exams, with 904 candidates sittings exams in South Sudan this year.
- Ratio of girls sitting exams in Tana Rover, Marsabit, Isiolo, Samburu West Pokot, Narok Migori, Garissa Wajir and Mandera continues to be lower than boys.
- Eighteen counties registered more girls than boys for KCPE.
- Kaimenyi says exam centres must be commensurate with number of candidates.
- Candidates taking KCPE exams has continued to grow. In 1985, there were 334,336 candidates compared to 839,759 this year, marking a 151pc growth....Kenyan daily digest


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